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Personnel Committee Minutes 2/22/07


PRESENT:  Members Jennie Greene, Susan Heilbron, Max McCreery and Richard Williams.  Also present:  Executive Secretary Tim Carroll, Staff Liaison Polly McDowell, Selectmen’s Liaison Riggs Parker and Chuck Hodgkinson.
DRAFT LETTER TO BOARD OF SELECTMEN:  Mr. Williams distributed a draft letter he wrote at the Board of Selectmen’s request.  It addresses the Police Department’s concern that the compensatory time (comp. time) policy is increasing their overtime payroll expenses.  The Police must maintain shift coverage.  When an officer uses earned comp. time the department must cover his or her shift with another employee.  This extra shift coverage many times results in time and a half compensation.  Mr. Parker added that the Town just concluded negotiations for the current three-year Police contract and did not think it would be wise to open negotiations again.  After brief discussion Ms. Heilbron made a motion that the Board endorse Mr. Williams’ letter to the Board of Selectmen as presented.  Mr. McCreery seconded and the vote was unanimous in favor.

EMPLOYEE ADMINISTRATION POLICY:  Ms. Heilbron brought the Board’s attention to the record keeping section of the draft administration policy. She outlined how there are several different sections of the bylaw that assign the employee record keeping responsibilities to several different employees or departments.  The Personnel Board, Executive Secretary and volunteer “Department Heads” all have employee record keeping roles.  Ms. Greene added that she just completed reviewing the Town’s employee files and concluded they are not in effective order.  The Board agreed the current system is not working as written in the bylaw.

Ms. Heilbron then summarized how the draft Employee Administration Policy has “morphed” into a much larger document than originally intended.  As the sub-committee researched various sections of the bylaw it became clear that there are several deficiencies in the bylaw that need updating.  Mr. Williams added that he suggested the Board perform a complete review of the bylaw several months ago.

Mr. McCreery distributed a summarized list of feedback comments on the draft policy and bylaw that punctuate specific operational issues that need to be addressed.  As an example, Mr. McCreery suggested the Board should reevaluate the background checking responsibilities and procedures in the recruitment and hiring section.  There was significant debate of whether or not an independent third party or the department head or manager who has the opening should perform reference checks.  As an example, it was pointed out that the Police Chief would be the most qualified person to perform the background reference checks if he were hiring a new Police Sergeant.  It was agreed that one person should do all the background checks for finalist candidates.  Mr. Carroll added that a department head needs to feel comfortable with the hiring decision and reference checks are an important part of making that decision.  It many times breaks a tie between two qualified candidates.  It was not resolved who should perform reference checks.

It was further discussed that the recruitment and hiring policy and procedures should specify whether or not this policy applies to the hiring of seasonal or temporary help.  The example of hiring summer beach employees was used as a point of reference.

It was further agreed that the Department Head and the Board of Selectmen as the Appointing Authority must agree upon the specific set of job requirements or tasks before initiating the hiring process.

PROBATIONARY PERIOD AND EVALUATIONS:  The proposed probationary period section of the policy and the three and six-month evaluations were discussed.  Mr. Carroll commented that the proposed three and six month intervals is a great concept.  He added however that sometimes the three-month feedback session might not bring forward concerns with an employee’s performance.  He suggested keeping to the six-month review schedule as outlined in the bylaw and adding formal monthly feedback sessions or conversations to the process.  The Board agreed this is a good suggestion.

After further discussion the Board agreed additional work among the sub-committee and the Executive Secretary is needed.  This will be scheduled and the resulting timeline adjusted accordingly.

The next Personnel Board meeting is scheduled for March 1 @ 8:00 AM.

With no additional business to discuss the meeting adjourned at 10:02 AM.  

Respectfully submitted by Chuck Hodgkinson, CAS.